About us

Bodecker Partners offers independent advisory services within the scope of revenue management in Northern Europe. Our expertise within the Nordic power market as well as Swedish and Norwegian electricity certificates and carbon emission rights, is first-class.
Fredrik Bodecker, CEO and partner
Fredrik has nearly 25 years of experience in energy trading in electricity, gas, coal, oil and environmental instruments. He has worked in various leading positions at, among others, RWE, Alfa Kraft, Essent, Gunvor and DONG. Fredrik is CEO at Bodecker Partners and also responsible for our Hydrogen/PtX advisory as well as our assignments within batteries/storage. He is also responsible for Bodecker Partners' activity within Scandinavian Capacity Reserve (battery project developer) as well as other strategic management consulting assignments.
Phone: +46 732-558 727
Epost: fredrik@bodeckerpartners.com
Gustaf Sundelius, Partner
Gustaf has over 15 years of experience in the energy industry and has worked as power trader, risk manager and portfolio manager in electricity, gas, electricity certificates, emissions rights and FX as well as with both physical and financial trading and production optimization at E. ON and Modity Energy Trading. At Bodecker Partners, Gustaf is responsible for our Revenue Risk Management department and for strategic advisory and hedging strategies to investors in large-scale renewable power production.
Phone: +46 70-879 69 68
Epost: gustaf@bodeckerpartners.com
Mia Bodin, Partner
Mia has about 18 years of experience in the energy industry and has previously worked as a leading analyst of EU ETS emission allowances, Nordic power and Electricity certificates at E.ON and Modity Energy Trading. At Bodecker Partners, Mia is responsible for long-term market analysis as well as our PPA advisory and tenders. She writes our highly appreciated "Nordic Renewables reports", arranges our yearly investment seminars, and coordinates our activity within adhoc market reports and renewable asset transactions.
Phone: +46 73-808 18 98
Epost: mia@bodeckerpartners.com
Staffan Bergh
Staffan has 15 years of operative and managerial experience from investing, developing and commissioning large-scale wind farms in SE3 and SE4. Staffan has led long-term power market and LCOE research and PPA negotiations at SR Energy, one of the largest wind power investors in the Nordics. At Bodecker Partners, Staffan is Head of Analysis supporting our clients with long-term market views, investment- and transaction advisory, PPA negotiations and associated asset and portfolio DCF valuations.
Phone: +46 70 485 53 67
Epost: staffan@bodeckerpartners.com
Sevdie Denli
Sevdie has 15 years of experience in the energy industry and has worked in leading positions within market analysis, customer service and risk- & portfolio management for Nordic power, certificates and GoOs at one of Sweden´s most sustainable medium-sized utilities; Varberg Energi. At Bodecker Partners, Sevdie is responsible for advisory and trading of environmental instruments (such as GoOs) and also active within power procurement processes and PPA advisory to renewable power producers and electricity intensive industry.
Phone: +46 73-808 18 80
Epost: sevdie@bodeckerpartners.com
Patrik Åberg
Patrik has over 20 years of experience in the energy and financial industry and has worked as risk manager, treasury dealer and portfolio manager in electricity, natural gas, bio gas, electricity certificates, EU ETS emissions, foreign exchange and fixed income at Alfa Kraft, COOP/KF, Vattenfall Power Management and Göteborg Energi. At Bodecker Partners, Patrik is responsible for our operational portfolio management of wind and solar farms. Patrik also writes our eminent weekly newsletters.
Phone: +46 70 646 77 26
Epost: patrik@bodeckerpartners.com
Johan Claesson
Johan has over 17 years of experience from operative and managerial risk management roles at bank and the energy sector such as Uniper in Düsseldorf and E.ON sales and trading in Sweden. At Bodecker Partners, Johan is Head of Risk Analysis. This comprise fair value calculations and of assets and portfolios, scenario- and sensitivity analysis and PPA-valuations.
Phone: +46 76 000 11 29
Epost: johan@bodeckerpartners.com
Bodecker Partners AB
is an independent partner-owned company active in the field of consultancy, analysis and management of energy price risks. We handle price risks within the fields of wind- and solar power, CHP, district heating, biofuel and gas.
Contact Us
Mail: info@bodeckerpartners.com
Tel: +46 732 55 87 27
Bodecker Partners
Lilla Varvsgatan 51b
211 74 Malmö
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